What was the first thing you did this morning? Brush your teeth? Take a shower? Or, did you anxiously search for your phone or some other device to check for overnight message streams and online activity? If this sounds like you, you're not alone but how many of us pause to question this neurotic behaviour that is now considered to be the norm?"
Cheshire based artist, Simon Kennedy certainly has. He's been busy producing artworks for an exhibition called "COMMUNISUMPTION" which looks at how digital technologies such as the internet, smartphones and tablets are impacting upon our lives, quite literally changing the way we work, rest and play.
Simon says; “Digital technology has had a huge impact on our lives in so many ways. I really felt it was a worthwhile subject because it is something we are all involved with and can relate to”.

VAC Gallery is run by Visual Arts Cheshire Ltd and Development of the Arts in Northwich. Generously supported by Cheshire West and Chester Council, Northwich Town Council and Manchester Metropolitan University.
For any further information contact @vacgallery or if you are still using snail mail write to us at VAC Gallery 93 Witton St, Northwich, Cheshire. If you include a stamped addressed envelope we'll send you an origami tweet. Telephone the DAN office for further information on 01606 41597. Curated by Emma Thackham.
VAC Gallery open Daily from 10.30am - 4.00pm (closed Wednesday and Sunday) - Admission Free
Graham Evans MP and his son Tom visiting the exhibition and making origami tweets.