VAC Gallery
Brunner Court
10.30am - 4.00pm
(Closed Wed and Sun)

Creative Director Jacqui Priestley explained ‘In creating work for this exhibition our aim was to question western notions of beauty by offering instead an insight into the Japanese aesthetic of ‘Wabi – Sabi’. This ancient eastern philosophy is centred on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. In contrast to the West’s long held Greek ideals of beauty in symmetry and perfection, Wabi-Sabi celebrates instead the beauty of the imperfect, the irregular and the overlooked.’

Wabi sabi is not a style defined by superficial appearance. It is an aesthetic ideal, a quiet and sensitive state of mind, attainable by learning to see the invisible, paring away what is unnecessary and knowing where to stop. The philosopher Lao-Tsu said that 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step', we hope that ‘Ichi-go Ichi-e’ will provide the first step on your journey to an understanding and appreciation of Wabi-Sabi.
The exhibition runs from 12 September to 21 September 2103 at VAC Gallery, Brunner Court, Northwich.
There will be a short performance of a Japanese Tea Ceremony on Saturday 14 and Saturday 21 September at 2.15pm and 3.15pm.