We have been busily working behind the scenes and can now reveal that the inaugural Pedal Power Festival will be held on Sunday 11 May.
Pedal Power Ambassador Guy Rands, from the organising committee, said: “For me it’s about getting different people of all ages and abilities enjoying being out on their bikes, seeing what Northwich has to offer and enjoying everyone’s company.
“We want people to come away from the event saying they’ve had a really nice day, done a bit of cycling, had a bit of food, enjoyed a bit of music, met up with people and hopefully stayed reasonably dry.
“It’s also about giving people time to get their bikes out of the garage, get punctures repaired, chains oiled, brakes fixed and dust it down ready for a summer of cycling.”

The day itself will start with an accessible five-mile bike ride from Brunner Court, making its way along closed roads to the traffic free Northwich Community Woodlands.
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This ride, which is suitable for all bikes and abilities, will take place between 10am and noon, when roads will re-open.
All entrants will receive a goodie bag.
Clr Bob Robinson, Northwich town mayor, said: “In the current climate where we’re all doing less and less exercise it’s most important that everyone who is able to gets involved.

“You don’t need a £1,000 bike either, all you need is a safe machine and make use of it.
“Cycling can do nothing but help towards fitness, safety and reducing congestion, and it’s great for friendship too.”
A festival village complete with cycling related stalls, displays and activities, as well as entertainment and refreshments, will take place in the town centre throughout the day.
Led rides will also be held during the afternoon for cyclists who want to try a longer distance.
There will be a low entry fee for the morning ride and a proportion of this will be given to Northwich children’s charity The Joshua Tree.
Chris Shaw, Northwich Town Council clerk, said: “It’s going to be a fantastic weekend for Northwich because there’s the artisan market on the Saturday and the Pedal Power Festival on the Sunday.
“Cycling is really popular and there are so many people getting involved or who are keen to get involved in the festival.
“I think Northwich is a great community and it’s all going to come together.
“It’s a really good time for Northwich.”
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Article reproduced courtesy of Northwich Guardian.
Northwich Community Woodlands
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